Online product and part configuration is now simpler than ever
Online product and part configuration is now simpler than ever before thanks to Pentair’s new expanded partnership with TraceParts, which helps individuals and businesses select and match the parts they need more efficiently…
Ram Development is a proud provider of Pentair, creators of quality electronic parts. Ram Development is pleased to announce an expanded partnership between Pentair, and TraceParts. This partnership will allow Pentair to provide customers with a simpler and more efficient way to configure, select and match parts for both their Calmark Card Loks series as well as the Birtcher Wedge Loks product line.
The simple online configuration tool is comprised of a drop-down menu that works intuitively to create the unique configuration that you require. Once you select the product features you need, along with your application options, the system will automatically generate your part number for you, removing any guess work or difficulty in finding the correct part number needed for your configuration.
In addition, those without a CAD system or viewer have the option to retrieve the files in 3D PDF format. Pentair and Ram Development are constantly striving to improve existing products and to make new, innovative and exciting products that will help customers create systems that better serve their needs.