

Ram Research and Development Ltd. is an authorized reseller of Hoffman products.

Hoffman produces more than 12 thousand products at the highest standard levels, including customized products according to the customer’s specific needs and requirements. Hoffman has over 70 years of experience in manufacturing on a global scale, and with customers located throughout the world Hoffman has adapted their products for international use, including all gaining all approvals, standards and international security levels required.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of their enclosures, Hoffman develops and tests their products carefully, so that each is created with strict standards in order to prevent the penetration of dust and liquids, corrosion prevention, resistance vibration, and more.

Hoffman places the utmost importance on customer satisfaction. Therefore the main purpose of the company’s engineers is to match the design and packaging against the customer’s specific requirements.

Hoffman uses McLean cooling technology, and offers a range of solutions to house systems seamlessly. Each unit is factory tested during production at the most stringent levels, and is easy to install and operate

Heat damage to the enterprise system can cause problems and lead to loss of business which is why Hoffman manufactures cooling systems as a means of protecting the industrial and electronics systems of its customers. Hoffmann has created a reliable product which is perfect for its clients’ needs as well as providing efficient and professional, fast and reliable customer service.

Hoffman works together with global compliance with local support, so that all products are of standard ISO 9001.

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