Extension Of The Schroff Cpci Serial Product Family From Pentair
A new revision of the Compact PCI Serial specifica tion was ratified in 2013. The update includes adaptations and features to be implemented in a new revision of the hardware.
As pioneer in the Compact PCI Serial environment Pentair has extended their product family. With the revised Schroff CPCI Serial platform Pentair is able to cover all features and functionalities within this new standard. When Compact PCI was ratified the first time in 1995, the fundamental PCI bus was the standard bus structurefor the Personal Computer. Therefore this bus was the base for all chip manufacturers. Compatibility to the existing PC world helped CompactPCI become an established standard, offering a scalable, flexible and cost efficient platform for all kinds of industrial applications like railway, audio broadcast, energy, medical,test & measurement or oil & gas. Due to the evolution of PC technology, the CompactPCI specification needed to be updated as well. The processing of higher data rates required serial.
interfaces like Ethernet, SATA or USB. Further to that a lot of hardware periphery like a HDD is now available with serial rather than with a parallel interface. Driven by that evolution PICMG introduced the CompactPCI Serial standard, which was published in March 2011. CompactPCI Serial (CPCI.S-0) as the successor of CompactPCI offers a lot of new features while remaining backwards compatible to CPCI.